
Multiple Fan Coil Replacements


Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)

fan blades

The GMS team has been working on the Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) site for a number of years. We were invited to bid on this project by a team of engineers who hold a contract at the site. Prior to the start of the project, GMS worked with the customer on a post-award assessment to survey and evaluate the existing systems and equipment, as well as site conditions that would affect the design and installation. GMS also provided a site safety plan and accident hazard analysis to ensure the project was implemented smoothly and safely.

The project involved the removal and replacement of fifty seven fan coil units, based on a two-pipe system. GMS worked in multiple buildings to install the fan coil units along with new piping and insulation. GMS was also responsible for all general construction items associated with the project including: patching and painting of the walls, floors and relocation of furniture.